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Direct, individual services

Our services start with a comprehensive evaluation to gather information in the following areas: parental concerns, the child’s motor skills, leisure interests, and play skills, sensory, and self-care. Goals are developed collaboratively with the parent and child for positive outcomes. Individual therapy sessions are delivered in the home and tailored around the child’s interests.

Parent education and coaching are key components of service. Through these, parents learn other ways to engage with their children to set them up for success.


Therapeutic groups are offered throughout the area, focusing on social skills, emotional regulation, attention, and visual perceptual fine motor skills. Groups are offered at various locations in multiple communities. Call or email to find a group near you.

Unbounded Potential is proud to offer the Build and Play Club, which uses Lego bricks. It is inspired by the Lego-Based Therapy method developed by Dr. Daniel B. LeGoff. Groups are led by a licensed occupational therapist who is also certified in the Brick by Brick Program. The Build and Play Club provides child-led learning through cooperative play. The club offers experiences to promote social skills and communication, collaboration skills, friendship, enhanced social confidence, connection, and emotional well-being. Unbounded Potential also partners with community organizations to offer this innovative therapeutic group program. Find a group near your community today!

Workshops and Individual Coaching

We are certified in the Triple P Positive Parenting Program: Fearless aimed at parents of children with Anxiety. The program may be delivered in the comfort of your home for 6 sessions or in a group setting as a 4-hour workshop.